Sunday, April 8, 2012

Another Poem

I was inspired to write the following poem by a march that took place on my campus a couple of days ago which was the march for Trayvon Martin. The march got me to think, "Why would someone want to take the life of something or someone?" and "what motivates people to come together to bring justice?" So the poem is just a reflection on how I feel and my beliefs.

I am

I am cow.
I am pig.
I am sheep.
I am Trayvon Martin.
Doomed by the greeting of death and the wretched actions of they.
It doesn’t matter that I walk around on all fours
It doesn’t matter that I have a beak attached to my face.
It doesn’t matter that my exterior is made of fine , soft wool
It doesn’t matter that I am a black male, quenching my thirst, satisfying my sweet tooth, and walking through the streets that I should call home
Do you hear my cry?
I don’t care if you don’t understand.
But what you will do is respect me
I am just as much you as you are me
I am a life; that breaths, walks, bleed, consume, cry, love
It saddens me that I am born into this world being considered less than something or someone else.
It saddens me that I am born into this world being considered dangerous, worthless or powerless.
I ask of you to free me of your judgment
I ask of you to accept me and respect me for who I am.
I ask of you to give me justice

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